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The Post-graduation Program in Religious Sciences (PPGCR) of the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) is an association of research and education specialized in Religious Sciences, institutionalized in the midst of the Coordination of Higher Level Personnel (Capes) and the National Association of Programs of Post-graduation in Religious Sciences (Anptecre) including students and teachers as researchers as to promote Education, Research and Scientific Extension in its context, whilst maintaining dialogue with national and international scientific community.


Our understanding of the field of Religious Sciences and Theology, belonging to the greater field of Human Sciences, as registered in Capes, is that it is a field of knowledge that accommodates different studies of religion in the scientific and academic spheres, of multi and interdisciplinary disposition, and which has a composition that broadens and intersects the internal subdivision that is customary to the field: on the one hand, a branch of systematic studies of religion, in open dialogue with - mainly the western - theological and philosophical tradition of religious studies, with a meta-theoretical (epistemological) aspect and in interface with cultural hermeneutics related to art, literature, cinema and other forms of expression; and, on the other, a branch of empirical and applied studies of religion, interpreting in its multiple configuration through sociological, anthropological, historiographic, psychological and geographic approaches in interface with politics, education, healthcare, queer/gender theory, law etc.


As such, our Field of Concentration, Religious Sciences, is divided in two Research Branches:


Empirical and Applied Religious Sciences:


Empirical and applied investigation of phenomena and processes of religious nature that outline, through its practices, productions and institutional mould, theoretical-methodological interfaces of religious studies that are multi and interdisciplinary. Research projects in this branch are characterized by studying religion per its social and historical concreticity, recurring to mediations unique to the empirical scientific approach, as well as the applied approximation of areas close to the object in question. The specific objectives of this Research Branch are:


1)    Exploring methodologically aspects of the religious movements and traditions inserted in the Socio-Historical process of Brazil, also considering new religious movements.

2)    Investigating religious practices and processes of routinary and popular character, paying special attention to the connection between regional expressions and global processes.

3)    Investigating the relationship between religious movements and popular religiousness with other aspects of culture and their respective institutional frameworks, such as economy, politics, art, folklore and education, among others. 

4)    Researching the history and nature of Religious Education in Brazil, especially its implementation in states and cities.


Religion, Knowledge and Language


Investigation of the implications of ontological, epistemological, ethical or esthetical nature of religion, in their different expressions and contexts, through their wisdoms, narratives and symbolic productions. Projects that find themselves in this Research Branch are characterized for investing theoretically and methodologically in the conceptual debate of religion and derivative subjects, as well as investigating relationships between religion and culture, on the basis of the symbolic dimension of human spiritual life being a multifaceted, dynamic whole. The variety of objects of study of this Research Branch promotes, through this philosophical-theological axis, many interfaces between disciplines and theories concerning literature, cinema, music, politics, science, education, history, among others. the specific objectives of this Research Branch are:


1)    Exploring the religious dimension of human life through its wisdoms, narratives and symbolic productions, seeing them as a privileged access to the self-comprehension of the human being in its social and historical contexts. 

2)    Developing the theoretical debate of religion, connected with converging subjects oriented to, or in dialog with, the problematic surrounding modernity. Doing so both through the bias of the comprehension of its origins, as well as through its inflections on contemporaneity.

3)    Investing in the development of theoretical synthesis of hermeneutic character, through solid and socially circonscript research problems and objects.





Administrative Building. CECH 3, Room 16

Marechal Rondon Av. N/A Jardim Rosa Elze District

São Cristóvão – SE | CEP: 49100-000

Phone: +55 (79) 3194-6358

E-mail: ppgcirufs@gmail.com

Website: http://www.posgraduacao.ufs.br/ppgcr

CONTACT WITH THE COORDINATION: coord.ppgcirufs@gmail.com

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    E-mail: gcmachado@hotmail.com


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    E-mail: alvesjeane65@gmail.com

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