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The Health Science Graduate Program (NPGME) has a multidisciplinary structure that includes many health areas in an interactive and complementary fashion. The cardinal objective of the program is to educate teachers and researchers at master and doctoral scholar with the ability to disseminate knowledge and develop research in the areas of Health Sciences. The NPGME understands health in its broadest sense at promotion, prevention, research, cure and rehabilitation levels and improvement of life quality in specific problems of Brazil and Northeast region. Therefore, brings together a group of teachers in several priority areas in the state of Sergipe in the field of Health (Physical Education, Nursing, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Physiology, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Phonoaudiology, Immunology, Medicine, Microbiology, Nutrition, Dentistry and Public Health), and has sought the interaction between these areas through interactive research projects. The program currently has courses in Masters and PhD stricto sensus and is the only doctoral program in health sciences in the state of Sergipe. The program seeks to reflect and evaluate, critically and systematically, the whole process involving the generation of new knowledge, valuing the stimulus to scientific development of new technologies and establishing cooperation with other research centers in Brazil and other countries.

Also seek to contribute to the management, training of human resources, the management of major hazards to human health, as well as many regional solutions to local problems that afflict the Sergipe and northeastern population, being reference in the formation of many of the teachers currently UFS staff, Federal Institutes of Education and many employees of the state central Laboratory. The training of professionals in these different areas of health care has contributed to the excellence of health services in the State.

The program has sought to formalize its internationalization, which already exists in the research groups of Professors, establishing formal agreements with other universities, such as the Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India. Moreover, it has sought to deepen the integration between different areas and lines of research pursued by promoting interdisciplinary research and complementarity of knowledge for the advancement of knowledge. Consolidate some lines of research and include new projects that started from the demands of the local academic community, and establish a continuous process of revalidation of accreditation of the permanent faculty of the program in order to include young productive professors and readjusting the size of the program faculty always with the concern in scientific production.

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Coordenação do Programa


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    E-mail: andre.barreto@academico.ufs.br


    Telefone/Ramal: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

    Telefone/Ramal 2: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

    E-mail: karinaconceicaoaraujo@gmail.com

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